Being Productive during Quarantine

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) has been tough for everyone. From health workers to vegetable vendors to daily wage laborers, everyone is suffering. Though software developers and people associated with IT industries have all been given instruction to work from home (WFH), but this can be challenging as well as tricky to give your 100% to your work and stay productive.

So, here I am sharing with you how to be productive in these tough times

1. Follow your usual routine

   For many people, this time can be the time for enjoying and fooling around. They think that since no one is there to monitor what they do or have done, one can easily lose focus. The trick is to think it as a normal day where you wake up early, get ready and go to your office. The only thing missing here is the last part, others need to be the same. Start working when your office starts and stop when it stops. Sleep and wake up on time. Don't mess up your biological clock.

2. Dress up

  The ones who struggle a lot to focus can trick their mind in believing that they are at their office working. Our brain associates the dresses that we wear with the things that we do. You will find it very hard to sleep on your work dress. So, don't work wearing your pajamas and t-shirts.

3. Curate your workspace

  Productivity and focus also depend on where you work. Try to make your work desk as minimal as possible. Only keep the things that you absolutely require. The workspace must be at a very quiet place and try to set up your desk near a window where you can enjoy the sunlight and cool breeze. This will keep your mind active. If you have plants, keep it on your desk or near you.

4. Take breaks

  Try to take short breaks in between your work. You can work for say 20-25 mins with absolute focus and take a rest for 5 mins. Keep a bottle of water near you and keep yourself hydrated all the time. Try not to indulge in work during your usual lunch break. Eat well without any disturbances.

5. Exercise and Meditate

  Work out or do yoga or any kind of physical activity in the morning or evening. During the break try to do desk exercises or take a walk around the house or garden if you have one. Meditation also helps a lot to concentrate and overall well being of the mind.

6. Stay Happy

  Staying happy and content with where you are and what you do is the key to a healthy and happy life. Stay away from hateful content on any type of media. Play with your siblings or kids or pets. Talk with your friends, relatives and loved ones over the phone. This is the time to call your old friends which you haven't talked to since ages 😊
 “People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be.” ~ Abraham Lincoln
 Though it is not easy to stay happy and focused during these tough times. But life goes on and you also have to. Make the most of this time and make it the best time of your life.

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